Voter and Precinct Data

This page contains a variety of reports related to voter registration and precincts. These reports are updated monthly. 

Additional voter registration reports are available for each election. These reports can be found on the Election Reports page.

Monthly Voter Registration Reports

  • Precinct Summary (PDF)
  • Precinct Demographic List (PDF)
  • Active Voters by Precincts (PDF)
  • District Voter List (PDF)
  • District Demographic List (PDF)
  • Qualified Voters by Precinct (PDF)

  • Precinct and Polling Location Lists

  • Precinct by district (PDF)
  • Precinct by district assignment (PDF)
  • Precincts and polling locations - numeric (PDF)
  • Precincts and polling locations - alpha (PDF)
  • Polling locations (Excel)

  • Precinct Numbers Guide

    In Leon County, precinct numbers consist of four digits.
    • The first digit reflects the County Commission district.
    • The second digit reflects the School Board district.
    • The last two digits reflect a City or County precinct.
    • A number below "50" being within Tallahassee city limits.
    • A number above "50" being outside Tallahassee city limits.

    For example: 1361 (Woodville Community Center) is in County Commission District "1", School Board District "3", and is outside Tallahassee city limits via "61".   

    Leon County Seal

    Mark S. Earley
    Leon County Supervisor of Elections

    OFFICE ADDRESS: 2990-1 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee FL 32301
    MAILING ADDRESS: Leon County Supervisor of Elections Office P.O Box 7357, Tallahassee FL 32314-7357
    P: (850) 606-8683 | F: (850) 606-8601 | E: | Hours: M - F: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

    PLEASE NOTE: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Florida Statute 668.6076.